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“What do Justin Trudeau and a turtle on a post have in common? You know he didn’t get there by himself. He doesn’t have any idea of what to do now that he is there. You wonder who could have thought it was a good idea in the first place.

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He’s elevated beyond his ability to function.” 20) After Trudeau was quoted as saying ‘the budget will balance itself’ in 2014, there was a wave of Justin Trudeau memes about it. “2016 deficit $30 billion: Turns out the budget doesn’t balance itself after all.” 23) Pinterest “And then I told those voting sheep I’d only have a deficit of 10 billion a year LOL.” 22) Pinterest Twitter / commitment needs to be a commitment to grow the economy and the budget will balance itself.” – Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau when asked about deficit spending in a CPAC interview on February 11, 2014. “Bankrupting Canada for Dummies: How to spend billions and have nothing to show.

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